Come Dive With Us
Dive Season 2024 Starts Soon
Are you interested in starting a new hobby? Want to get out more and keep fit? Intrigued by what the ocean has to offer.
Whether you have already diving for years or want to dip your toe in a new hobby, diving offers so much.
There are lots of ways you can let us know your interest
Fill in the Interest Form Online
Contact us -
Message us on Facebook - GrainneUaileSubAqua
Based on interest we hope to run a Trainee Diver training course for new members
Explore a New World - Learn To Dive
Our approach to diving is to ensure that it is safe and fun
Learn the theoretical knowledge of how to dive safely
Practical learning
Develop the skills necessary to be successful at diving
Get familiar and comfortable with being underwater
Progressive from pool, shallow shore dive to your first boat dive
Grainne Uaile Sub Aqua Club - Over 40 Years of Diving
Our club is built upon the vast experience of our dedicated members.
We have several instructors of Moniteur* level or above;
allowing us to provide training in-house. They have vast experience and ensure the active growth of our members and club.You will learn the theoretical knowledge of diving, to dive safely
Practical sessions to get to know the dive equipment
Skills based exercises to get you conformable in the water
Dedicated Facilities
The advantages of diving with a club
Our own boats to access all our the dives sites the coastline
Local knowledge
In-house training facilities
Compressors to allow filling our air tanks
Less than 30mins from our Clubhouse to coastline.